Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Free Fantasy Celtic Dolphin Tattoo Designs

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Tips on Native American Tattoo Design

There is nothing hotter than an awesome tattoo on a fantastic body! Tattoos which are well placed and appeal to the eye tend to garner a lot of attention to themselves as well the people wearing them. Thus, tattoos really are the new in! However, even though tattoos do act as definite fashion statements, there's more to them than just that!
Tattoos are an ancient art inherited from ancient civilizations, where the symbolism behind the tattoo and its wearer was always more appreciated than its beauty. Tattoos were also used to show the rank of a person in his tribe. Individual markings in different tribes thus led to the use of tattoos as identification marks. Sometimes, if greater power or wisdom was wanted, tattoos were said to do the trick!
Unlike the hygienic tattoo parlors of today, Native American tattooing was done out in the open, using fish and sharp turtle bones, or even slivers of rock as needles to etch the tattoo into the skin. Unlike today's trend, Native American tattoos were dyed with natural dyes from plants or soot. With no anesthetic and each stroke of the flesh-cutting tools leading to huge bouts of pain, Native American tattoos took on a deeper meaning, that of pain endurance. The bigger the tattoo, the more the pain, and thus, the greater the respect earned in the tribe.
Native American tattoos were done by some tribal men, who had been trained in the art of tattoo design. Over the course of a person' lifetime, these tattoos could be made to cover the whole body, depending on one's ability to endure pain! In the modern world, there are still plenty of people who want to ink on Native American tattoos that were the identification marks of their tribes. Also, there are many who admire Native American culture, and hence opt to get one.
Since tribal art tattooing is becoming more prevalent in today's society, every tattoo artist has one on hand. All aspects of the Native American culture, such as their religions, tools, musicians, feathers, and even their tents are taken into consideration when designing and etching Native American tattoos!
If you're into tribal art, inking this design would be ideal for your needs. However, it is wise to browse online for the perfect tattoo. Also, there are a few tattoo artists who design amazing Native American tattoos, and can tell you quite a bit about the whole concept. Decide what you want, and go for it! Best of luck!
Monday, September 28, 2009

tattoo artists

Most tattoo artists will be willing to work with you to create a custom design that you will love. Go to them and tell them what you have in mind. Bring along samples of designs that are similar to the kind of tattoo you want. The artist will sketch up sample designs until they finally capture the original design you can see in your mind’s eye.
Getting a custom tattoo design might cost more than the pre-priced flash designs. But, if you love the unique and original results, it will be worth it.
Sunday, September 27, 2009

draw your eye in a certain direction or may connect separate pieces of body art. Vines that circle around the arms are also a popular placement choice.
Vine imagery also enhances the effect of religious tattoos, so you can use them together with religious tattoo images like communion cups, crosses etc to bring them to better effect. If you are going for a more subtle look, a thin light coloured vine tattoo would probably be more suitable for you than a bold dark-leafed tattoo.

So, how do you make certain you get a tattoo on your lower back that is uniquely yours? The answer lies precisely here on the internet. There are some splendid online tattoo galleries that contain 100% unusual and unique artwork designs not accessible anywhere else.
Using an online gallery has several other benefits in addition to being unique. The most valuable of which is you have an capability to print your favorite design at home, and transfer it a try on your skin before going to the shop. You can discover the appropriate size, shape, and color scheme that will look the greatest on your body and then simply take that to your local tattoo parlor and work with the artist on getting your design in place.
Instead of getting ticked that someone has the same artwork as you do, you can really assign your lower back the attention and wow factor that you are looking for when you benefit from online photo galleries containing unique art. Over 25% of the public getting their principal tattoo end up thinking they made a faux pas with the size and design they chose.
Saturday, September 26, 2009

How to Tattoo? Where Can You Get Tattoo Training.

Most people we meet these days seem to have a clue about tattoo, and also how to tattoo. The popularity that tattooing has gained in such a short span of time is amazing. So much so that this is one trend that has caught up and shot up globally. The demand for people who can create good tattoos and are formally trained in the art of making tattoos is increasing by the day. The outcome of it all is hardly surprising as more people are showing inclination towards learning how to tattoo and taking tattoo training.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Female Tattoo
I know about a half dozen women who have female chest tattoos and some are visible and some are not. The point I am trying to make is that when asked, four out of the six actually don't like the designs and artwork they have etched on their skin. Some of them don't like it because they rushed their decision and wished they would have taken more time to find something that fit them better, while a couple simply couldn't find any quality female chest tattoos to begin with.
Female Tattoo
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Lower stomach tattoo for girls

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